Monday, January 31, 2005


find me here
speak to me
i want to feel you
i need to hear you
you are the light
that is leading meto the place where
i find peace again
you are the strength
that keeps me walking
you are the hope
that keeps me trusting
you are the life to my soul
you are my purpose
you are everything
and how can i
stand here with you
and not be moved by you
would you tell me
how could it beany better than this
you calm the storms
you give me rest
you hold me in your hands
you won't let me fall
you still my heart
and you take my breath away
would you take me in
would you take me deeper now
'cause you're all i want
you are all i need
you are everything
God's doin a lot right now...can't express in words!
had an awesome time with Him this morning...set me in the right path for my day & week!!
P.S. pics below are from my weekend in malmo, sweden...

Sunday, January 30, 2005

















Thursday, January 27, 2005

OldiE BuT a gOOdiE...

tonight was all bout the old songs!! (billie pipper), 2become1 (spice girls), unbreak my heart (toni braxton), whole again (atomic kitten), 1more time (daft punk), show me the meanin of being lonely (backstreet boys) some oasis, ronan keating, ricky martin, and so many others i can't even was awesome...
*day&night, lisa do u remember that night?..good times babe..hit me hard while i heard it*

went out to a cafe tonight 4dinner & it was gr8!! had my eyes opened to a whole new way of seein things i've been thinking about. esp being here next year...i've been pretty one tracked about it up until recently. learning to leave doors open uless god is the one who really closes them...tonight was good because i also got to hear how they were doin! i miss so terribly being close to my friends & always aware of how they are spiritually, emotionally, ect.. i admire this friend soooo much!! she is a lady of high integrity & strong godly personality. i feel uplifted right now & like i can trully say i'm endin my night on a high...

off to sweden tomorrow for a conference..should be interestin! i'm quite excited to be honest, even though i know i'll not be able to understand a word that is said all think i'm just excited at the fact of goin on a trip with so many of master's..i miss things like that. they are always good craic & many memories are always made!! plus i get to go to sweden..another country to mark of the'm gonna do it nat u just watch, b4 i die i'll have done it!

got home tonight to the wonderful joys of the clothes that i was washin for this trip away wear locked in our friggin washer!! it had something wrong with it & wouldn't open so i could put them in another one..& ere we only get the one day a week to wash, plus we have the trip needless to say i was quite frustrated...lets just pray jay will be graceous with me in the morning... ; ) ...

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


here's a few pics i've takin durin media track...tryin to learn how to work my freakin

Da...there is a pic like u asked ya..

think study night was a bit too much 4

beautiful lotte...

miss ya dad!!!...

no nolan u can't walk on water..sorry..

just a cool pic?...

kinda looks like a postcard...

down town...


nolan tryin to fly...


enjoyin staff meeting?...

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

interestin shoot... Posted by Hello

cool shot... Posted by Hello

the joys of bein famous...friggin paparazi... Posted by Hello

way to show off the moves babe...keep it up... Posted by Hello

louise workin hard as usual... Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 22, 2005

The NoTEboOk...

it's amazin how the simplest things make u think...

i feel like so often i'm secure in the direction i'm goin & the path i'm following...then out of the blue something will pop up that make u feel competely different!! weird how god can use the most unusually things & ppl to make u start thinkin again...


Thursday, January 20, 2005


I LOVE YOU!!....<3nay

FrEShnEsS & fOcUs...

the past few days those are the two words that have been on my mind & heart...FRESHNESS & FOCUS...prayin for a renewed focus & in that renewal will come a freshness. although we try so often to allow God to remain our focus at all times, we somtimes without knowin it, do not succeed. mostly because we are human, but also because we believe the feelin of freshness dies. we always want the newest thing, the most exciting thing, & wen we dont have that feelin in wot we are doin for God...we allow it to slip out of our thoughts. yes, we pray..we go to church..but we do not let it live in our thoughts throughout each moment of our day!! i'm a deep thinker..somtimes that's a bad thing, cause i can so often, without realizin it, allow my thoughts to comsume me. another thing God is dealin with me about...someone told us he other day and i think it was a good way of puttin it...we get caught up in the drudgery (those meanial, small, everyday, routine things) of everday and begin to trully question wot God is really doin. but it's in those times that our character trully shines through!! "live each moments as if it's ur defining moment"...good statement...i think so!! yeah i don't really know where i'm goin with this or wot i'm tryin to say...all i know is God is really remindin me that athough at times i feel like nothing is happening..He is still there & this trully is part of a bigger picture i can not see right now...yupyup...feelin encouraged & just believe i've finally come to realise how important my thoughts trully are in directin my focus to God!!...

just checked the Oswald Chambers site today for the first time in ages and this was wot was there...kinda ironic!!...but good a way along the same lines as wot i've been thinkin enjoy..

Are You Fresh for Everything?
Jesus answered and said to him, ’Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God’ —John 3:3
Sometimes we are fresh and eager to attend a prayer meeting, but do we feel that same freshness for such mundane tasks as polishing shoes?
Being born again by the Spirit is an unmistakable work of God, as mysterious as the wind, and as surprising as God Himself. We don’t know where it begins—it is hidden away in the depths of our soul. Being born again from above is an enduring, perpetual, and eternal beginning. It provides a freshness all the time in thinking, talking, and living—a continual surprise of the life of God. Staleness is an indication that something in our lives is out of step with God. We say to ourselves, "I have to do this thing or it will never get done." That is the first sign of staleness. Do we feel fresh this very moment or are we stale, frantically searching our minds for something to do? Freshness is not the result of obedience; it comes from the Holy Spirit. Obedience keeps us "in the light as He is in the light . . ." ( 1 John 1:7 ).
Jealously guard your relationship with God. Jesus prayed "that they may be one just as We are one"-with nothing in between ( John 17:22 ). Keep your whole life continually open to Jesus Christ. Don’t pretend to be open with Him. Are you drawing your life from any source other than God Himself? If you are depending on something else as your source of freshness and strength, you will not realize when His power is gone.
Being born of the Spirit means much more than we usually think. It gives us new vision and keeps us absolutely fresh for everything through the never-ending supply of the life of God.
love you guys!!..missin u all back home...stay encouraged..sorry for the lack of e-mails, just been goin through and dealin with lots lately, but i'll get on the ball i promise!!!....<3nay

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


HaPPy BiRrHdaY...

hope u have a wonderful day!! i'll be thinkin of u although we may be miles apart!

i love you...


Saturday, January 15, 2005


hey all...
sorry i haven't written up in a while! been busy & i've been thinkin A LOT..
"master's"...been good mostly. god really is doin a lot in me since i've been back & has shown me how i've grown. i just have this longin to spend more time with Him. He has really opened my eyes and heart to Him in a new and fresh way. it's like everytime i go to pray or just spend time by myself..i feel Him all over me. i'm really enjoyin the closeness i feel i'm experiencin with Him..yeah i may sound cheesey to some..but it's just how i feel right now. i've just become more reliant on God. ppl will always let u down & hurt u (even if they don't mean to), but God never will..He trully is my BEST FRIEND!!..

As most of u i'm sure know, my friend Ashling was found..and for those of u who don't know here is the news..A friend of mine from college went missin new years eve after been out. they have been lookin for her now & yesterday they found her out side of belfast in a river..she had been raped and badly beatin!! as much and all as we are relieved we found her..we are not so happy about her absence or how it was brought about. for me right now....i think distance has gotten to me. i'm very sad!! i feel like cryin, but the tears just aren't there right now...i think it mostly has to do with being so far from all of this, but also the fact i hadn't seen her in heart does break, but right now i've been able to keep a brave face. it's been good cause my friends back home are very torn up & i've been able to encourage..but i'm prayin that in God's timin i will really be able to just let go of all this and deal with it in the best way! i know this wasn't God and i praise Him for the blessing she was to me & the wonderful memories i had the opportunity of makin with her. i pray she called upon God and is with Him now...but for now...just keep her finace, family, & friends in ur prayers..

god bless...<3nay

HaPpY b-DaY NoLAn..

sorry these are late..but here are some pics from nolan's b-day..we went out to "robert's cafe"..his was a good night..enjoy..<3nay

i'm how old??..(the b-day boy) Posted by Hello

me & nolan.. Posted by Hello

aww how cute.. Posted by Hello

lacie sportin her new look... Posted by Hello

say cheese.. Posted by Hello

aww...aren't they cute.. Posted by Hello

u find anything sarah?.. Posted by Hello