Saturday, January 22, 2005

The NoTEboOk...

it's amazin how the simplest things make u think...

i feel like so often i'm secure in the direction i'm goin & the path i'm following...then out of the blue something will pop up that make u feel competely different!! weird how god can use the most unusually things & ppl to make u start thinkin again...



Blogger Rebbie said...

in case it wasnt mentioned...theres a letter for you on its way in a tiny package addressed to lauren. i really love you. email me sometimes, tell me how you are. xoxo.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...ur posts r far 2 long & corny 2 botha readin... so i'l jus post u a msg 2 say....wel. wots d story mornin glory. how's she cuttin ya whoordin fecker. wodaya lukin at, shkumbag!
from ur brother

7:03 AM  

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